Want to be a part of our effort and start 2021 off right by making time for your mental health?

benefitting Transitions-Mental Health Association

Date: Thursday, Jan. 28, 2021
Time: 4 p.m.
Free with registration ($10 suggested donation)



Join Verdin and Transitions-Mental Health Association at a special event designed to boost mental health with live music, a mindfulness activity and a drawing for wellness-themed prizes!


And get a sneak peek at the “Save the Number” campaign, which calls on community members to save Central Coast Hotline, (800) 783-0607,
in their phones.


We couldn’t do this without the contributions of our amazing community partners:

If your business is interested in donating in-kind support to our rebrand process or a gift to the winning nonprofit, email us and let’s chat!

How did it all begin?

Verdin used to throw a grand holiday party every year. In 2014, we decided to​ ​use those resources to do something more meaningful.

This desire led to the first-ever 24-Hour Give event on November 20 and 21,​ ​2014. The goal was to give a worthy local nonprofit an entire rebrand — from logo​ ​to website — in just 24 hours.

We couldn’t do it alone, so we reached out to other local businesses and received​ ​enthusiastic responses from printers, media, a video production studio, caterers,​ ​restaurants and even a yoga studio to keep us going for the whole 24 hours. We​ ​now have a dedicated team of community partners that returns every year, and​ ​we always welcome more support through businesses coming together and​ ​donating their services!

The response to the first 24-Hour Give was overwhelming, resulting in more than​ ​$80,000 in services contributed by all involved. OP C.O.Y. (Coaching Our Youth)​ ​received a new logo, stationary, brochure, print and digital ads, social images and​ ​television and radio PSAs to support a beautiful new brand. The grand reveal at​ ​the end of the 24 hours brought smiles, tears and the understanding that we had​ ​given a deserving recipient something truly beneficial. Right away, we knew we​ ​were going to keep doing this.

And we did, rebranding Literacy for Life in 2015, Meals That Connect in 2016,​ ​Stand Strong in 2017, CreekLands Conservation in 2018 and SLO Food Bank in 2019. Each year, we are​ ​overwhelmed by the support we receive from our partners and the thousands of​ ​community members who contribute and follow the progress. And, each​ ​year, the gift gets a bit larger. Last year’s rebrand package was valued at more​ ​than $130,000!

We are honored to shift the event and work with Transitions Mental Health in 2020. We​ ​look forward to celebrating the seventh year of our community coming together in​ ​generosity!